
Want your Windows 10 PC to run faster? We’ve here to help. By tweaking some of the operating settings, your machine will be zippier and less prone to performance and system issues.

And if you’re already running Windows 11, we’ve got you covered there. Check out our top 12 ways to keep Windows 11 devices chugging along smoothly. Here’s our list of tips for Microsoft’s current OS.

The top ways to speed up Windows 10

Change your power settings

Disable programs that run on startup

Go to a previous restore point

Use ReadyBoost to speed up disk caching

Shut off Windows tips and tricks

Stop OneDrive from syncing

Use OneDrive files on-Demand

Turn off search indexing

Clean out your hard disk

Clean out your registry

Disable shadows, animations and visual effects

Disable transparency

Turn on automated Windows maintenance

Kill bloatware

Defrag your hard disk

Disable game mode

Shutdown and restart Windows

You may notice that that last tip is the most tried-and true way of (hopefully) smoothing out any problems in Windows 10. There’s a reason it’s effectively an internet meme.

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